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Second Step® Implementation Resources for District Leaders

Getting Started

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Are you coordinating or leading a districtwide rollout of Second Step social-emotional learning (SEL) programs? All Second Step programs include a collection of easy-to-access, high-quality resources available to district leaders to support successful implementation.

Not a district leader? We also have free Second Step implementation resources to support site leaders and classroom educators.

SEL and Second Step® Programs General Information

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These videos walk you through the key concepts of social-emotional learning and why it’s important for students and staff.

What & Why? SEL Concepts

Why Do We Need SEL?

How to Access Digital Programs and Training

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You’ll need to be a registered user of our digital programs to access many of the following resources. Instructions for creating an account are in your digital program registration email. If you don’t have a login, reach out to your Second Step® programs contact person or call us at 800-634-4449, ext 1.

Step 1: Purchaser

The purchaser designates the setup administrator by including their email address at the time of purchase.

Step 2: Setup Administrator

The setup administrator assigns a site to each license. They’ll be the first license administrator* or site leader.**

Step 3: License Administrators and Site Leaders

License administrators and site leaders manage users (add, remove, or change their license roles) and access progress reports.

License administrators can teach Second Step digital programs or access online training relevant to their position.

Site leaders can access the Leader Track, which includes Staff Track content. They also assign selected staff as Leader Team members.

Step 4: Teachers, Staff, and Leader Team

Users added as teachers* can teach Second Step digital programs or access online training relevant to their position. Users added as staff** can access Staff Track content.

Users added as Leader Team** members can access the Leader Track, which includes Staff Track content.

* For the Second Step® Elementary digital program, Second Step® Middle School, the Second Step® Bullying Prevention Unit and the Second Step® Child Protection Unit

** For Second Step® SEL for Adults

Note: You’ll need to create a class for each grade level to view that grade’s content and access program supports

How to Access Kit-Based Program Supports and Training

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The following print-based kits contain activation codes and instructions for how to unlock online resources for educators and site leaders:

  • Second Step® Early Learning and Second Step® Elementary classroom kits
  • Second Step® Elementary Principal Toolkit (activation code unlocks all grades)
  • Second Step® Bullying Prevention Unit
  • Second Step® Child Protection Unit
  • Second Step® Out-of-School Time

Note: Activation codes for classroom kits are found on the first page of the Teaching Materials Notebook; they are not needed for digital subscription-based programs

Explore and Prepare for Second Step® Programs

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Now that you have program access, your next step is to help site leaders prepare to train and support educators. Our research-based programs provide a variety of supports to help your district prepare for implementation:

Things to ConsiderLogin Required

Programs at a GlanceLogin Required

Implementation snapshots, scope and sequence documents, and short videos explain how our programs are designed and the resources available to support them:

Engage principals and site leaders with customizable presentation slides that establish a shared vision, processes, expectations, and resources for each program

Educator training is built into our programs with a dedicated Training tab that provides guidance and resources for teaching and implementation

Support educator well-being with Second Step® SEL for Adults, a professional learning program that equips educators with the skills they need to create safe and supportive school communities

Join or encourage building leaders to join us for a webinar or join our Second Step Educator Community Facebook group

Keeping Families Involved and Engaged

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Families are children’s first and most important teachers of social-emotional skills. Providing information to families about Second Step® programs can help inspire school-home connections and support students’ SEL. Keeping families engaged as partners is critical to building and sustaining safe, supportive learning environments for students, educators, and staff.

Our Second Step® Programs: Information for Families web page provides families and community members with information about social-emotional learning and Second Step programs. On the web page, families and caregivers can:

  • Discover the benefits of SEL and why it matters for all students
  • Review the scope and sequence documents and objectives for all grades
  • Check out sample lessons
  • Explore the research behind the programs

These resources can help district leaders strengthen family-school partnerships:

  • Family Open House events
  • Webinars covering effective ways to discuss SEL with students’ families
  • The Engaging Families section of the in-program District Supports page

Support for School Leaders

Are schools in your district experiencing parent or community concerns about SEL? Find resources below to help support school leaders as they promote SEL in your communities. See what families and school leaders have to say about the benefits of social-emotional learning and why it’s vital to thriving school communities:

Grant application checklist.

Funding for Second Step® Programs

Second Step programs meet federal funding eligibility standards and other state and local grant requirements. We’ve developed resources to help districts, schools, and individual educators secure funds to purchase and implement Second Step programs.

To learn more about securing these funds and grants, explore the Funding for Second Step® Programs page.

Stay Up to Date

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Our Committee for Children blog helps you stay informed on trending topics in education, social-emotional learning, mindfulness, bullying prevention, and more. Check out a few highlights from the past year:

Join the Second Step® Educator Community

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One of the most powerful resources available to you is the advice and support of fellow Second Step educators. Join our online community of practice to connect with other educators, including school leaders and lesson facilitators, many with decades of experience teaching SEL curricula. Get support when you have questions and lend your expertise to others.

Visit the community’s Facebook page to join.

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