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Empowered with Skills for Life
Second Step® programs help students build human skills—like nurturing positive relationships, managing emotions, and meeting goals—so they can thrive in school and in life.
The Second Step® Difference

Five key commitments to research quality and integrity set our programs apart with great experiences and positive outcomes for students.

More than 26 million children in 45,000 schools in all 50 states and around the world benefit from our programs each year.

Educators spoke, and we listened: we’re building more engagement, flexibility, and implementation support into our full range of PreK through Grade 12 programs.

I really trust the Second Step® team to make sure my district's schools have exactly what they need to build stronger communities. Being part of a nonprofit, I know they care.
Ryan Voegtlin, Director of Student Services, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
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