Second Step® High School
Now Available: An All-New Program

Create a Culture Where Everyone Is Most Likely to Succeed
Great high schools empower everyone to succeed. With Second Step® High School, you can help create a culture where all students build connections, confidence, resilience, and other skills they need to thrive in the classroom and beyond.
An Age of Opportunity
Watch an overview of Second Step® High School, our all-new digital program for Grades 9–12, to learn more.

It flexes to fit busy high schools. The program integrates with your existing schedule, offering ways to adapt the learning, and providing a choice of implementation options.

It helps students face challenges and opportunities unique to their age. The learning is based on up-to-date research, a culturally responsive framework, and student feedback.

It’s easy for adolescents to embrace. It integrates into school settings with elements of voice and choice, so it can be authentically contextualized to each student’s perspectives.

Everyone's on the Same Page
Second Step® High School is designed to fit into the existing schedule and structure of your day. It provides integrated practices for leaders and educators, activities for students, and a scaffolded game plan that’s easy to follow. Everyone’s in alignment as they progress through the program’s learning pathways together.
What's Included in the Program?
Second Step High School contains schoolwide practices, educator practices, and student activities. It provides easy online access to professional development and training, an extensive resource library, a streamlined Implementation Guide, and a Leader Dashboard with ongoing visibility into district, site, grade, and class progress.
Belonging & Connection
School leaders, educators, and students cultivate a sense of social and school belonging so students feel accepted, respected, and known, and can create and sustain positive relationships. Practices and activities focus on effective communication practices, positive peer interactions, trust, and explorations of key psychological concepts that influence belonging.
Confidence & Capability
Leaders, educators, and students create learning conditions that build students’ beliefs in their ability to overcome challenges and achieve personal and academic success. Practices and activities focus on achieving goals, resilience in the face of challenges, and adaptive approaches to learning such as a growth mindset and a mastery-goal orientation.
Agency & Opportunity
This pathway allows students to explore taking ownership over their learning by providing opportunities to build and apply their strengths and interests. It is designed to help school leaders, educators, and students develop a school community that features autonomy, student-centered learning that incorporates choice and voice, and celebration of everyone’s strengths and talents.
Well-Being & Community
In this pathway, practices and activities focus on developing students’ psychosocial assets to contribute to their individual well-being and the well-being of the community. Leaders, educators, and students focus on opportunities for recognition and gratitude, fostering positive emotion in the classroom, and developing skills for stress management, emotional support, and social connectedness.
What is Second Step High School?
With a flexible digital format, Second Step® High School gives educators dynamic tools to integrate comprehensive human skills throughout their entire school community, helping equip students with skills that can benefit them in the classroom and in life.
Sample a Practice or Activity

Schoolwide Practice
Recognizing Contributions
In this practice, leaders publicly recognize students and staff for their remarkable contributions to the school community.
Pathway 3: Agency & Opportunity

Educator Practice
Choice Boards
In this practice, educators create materials to boost student engagement in an upcoming lesson by giving students choices in their approach to learning.
Pathway 3: Agency & Opportunity

Student Activity
Guess Who?
In this activity, students guess each other’s strengths and then discuss and reflect on their own positive qualities.
Pathway 3: Agency & Opportunity
Ready to Purchase?
You can purchase a single-school Grades 9–12 license in our online store. If you are purchasing for a district, learn about multisite savings or contact us for a detailed quote.
Speak with an expert to learn how Second Step® High School can align with your district’s or school’s social, emotional, and academic goals.
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