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Second Step® Middle School Teacher’s Guide: Part 3

Finishing Strong

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As you complete your Second Step® Middle School lessons, take a moment to celebrate all the work you and your colleagues have done to support your students’ social-emotional learning—and all the work your students have done to grow into kind, empathetic, emotionally aware problem-solvers.

It’s also valuable to reflect on your experiences with program while they’re still fresh in your mind. Making notes and starting your planning for the next time you teach the program will help set you up for success down the road.

Key Moments

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Celebrate Completing the Program

  • When you wrap up the final lesson, leave some time to reflect with your students.
  • Share with them how much you’ve seen them grow and mature over the course of the program.
  • Offer them the chance to share how they feel they’ve grown.

Share Successes with Families

  • Let families know their children have finished the year’s Second Step® lessons.
  • Share with families how social-emotional learning has helped their children grow as students and people.

Continue Your Students’ Social-Emotional Learning

  • Identify lessons and concepts from the program to review (especially those taught at the beginning of the year).
  • Choose a Service-Learning Project from the program’s advisory activities to give students a chance to apply their social-emotional skills.
  • Use other fun activities to reinforce social-emotional skills and concepts.

Reflect on Successes and Challenges

  • Write down how you felt about your program implementation. What worked? What didn’t? What do you want to do the same next year? What do you want to do differently?
  • Compare notes with your colleagues.
  • Get your students’ feedback on the program.

Plan for Next Year

  • Review your reflections and what you heard from colleagues and students.
  • Sketch out a plan for the next time you teach the program. Focus on what you can do to start strong.

Resource Library

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Second Step® Advisory Service-Learning ProjectsLogin Required

Give students the opportunity to make a difference in their school and community with these engaging Service-Learning Projects.

Free Social-Emotional Learning ResourcesLogin Required

Use these free activities, aligned to Second Step® Middle School, to continue your students’ social-emotional learning after completing the program.

End-of-Year Check-In Login Required

Use this presentation as a framework to guide your reflection and planning process.

Program Evaluation GuidesLogin Required

Use this guide to start planning for a comprehensive evaluation of Second Step Middle School next year.

End-of-Year Webinar for School LeadersLogin Required

This webinar from our Client Success Team offers great ideas for wrapping up the year and planning for the future.

Join the Second Step® Educator Community

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One of the most powerful resources available to you is the advice and support of fellow Second Step educators. Join our online community of practice to connect with other educators, including school leaders and lesson facilitators, many with decades of experience teaching SEL curricula. Get support when you have questions and lend your expertise to others.

Visit the community’s Facebook page to join.

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