

Materials and Resources for Teachers and School Leaders

Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias Resources

A collection of transformative social-emotional learning (SEL) resources to help administrators and educators critically examine and question long-held beliefs and systems and build on students’ cultural assets to make classrooms more inclusive and equitable.
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Trauma-Sensitive Practices and SEL

A webinar to help teachers and schools integrate trauma-sensitive practices into their daily interactions with students and better understand how threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which stress everyone, particularly impact students who’ve experienced trauma from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
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Using SEL to Create Equitable Schools

A webinar with educational leader and anti-racism expert Baionne Coleman and Committee for Children researchers who discuss recommended resources and lessons to address racial injustice and drive real change in communities.
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Learning for Justice Alignment Chart

A curated list of Learning for Justice (formerly known as Teaching Tolerance) lessons that align with Second Step® Elementary and Second Step® Middle School, along with a chart to show how social-emotional skills support diversity, equity, and social justice.

  • Second Step® Elementary and Second Step® Middle School Digital Programs: Download PDF
  • Second Step® Elementary Classroom Kits and Second Step® Middle School: Download PDF
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